5 golden tips to pen down a research proposal

There is plenty of advice available out there for writing a research proposal including mistakes to avoid or do’s & don’t to be considered while writing a research proposal. But the question is, are they really helpful? Is it everybody’s cup of tea to write a research proposal? Well, the answer is a big ‘no’ as stated by a scholar who tried and tested all possible suggestions available online. The scholar ended up in a mess and considered taking help from the writers offering PhD thesis proposal writing service. The writers not just wrote an exceptional proposal but also guided the scholar as to how to write a research proposal. As per the writers,

1. Find a gap in the research
A PhD is meant to be novel. You are making new findings/developing new techniques that can be proved to be beneficial to society and for future research in your field of study. Hence you need to find a gap that hasn’t been solved. Remember, the research problem you identify need not have to be something world-breaking. It only needs to be something that is worth solving.


2. Know your audience
Not everybody will be well-versed with technical words. Hence as far as possible describe the research proposal in non-technical terms. Avoid too much jargon and use clear language. Remember, review committees are multi-disciplinary and will include researchers in various fields and not just from your own field.Therefore, experts providing PhD thesis proposal writing service suggest you keep it clean, crisp and simple.


3. Have an impactful sentences/words 
Supervisors are very busy people. They do not have plenty of time to go through your research paper line by line. Hence it becomes a necessity to grab their attention from the very beginning. Have a strong beginning statement and use the latest buzzword in your area of study in order to grab their attention. Do not use too many jargons; make it easy for them to understand your proposal and show how innovative and valuable is your research. 


4. Cover all the important aspects
Writers delivering PhD thesis proposal writing service do agree that one cannot have knowledge about each and every aspect in his/her research area. However, scholars should give their best to collect information regarding the essential aspects that are covered in the area of study. Ensure that none of the critical concepts is missed out while writing the proposal. 


5. Keep it short and focus on the main themes
Clarity is the most important element in the research proposal. Ensure that your writing is clear and concise. Superfluous details often known as the hallmark of a poor research plan need to be avoided at any cost. Focus only one of the main themes of your research and included details that are absolutely necessary. Adding length to your research proposal does not add any value to your work says a writer who has been helping scholars by offering PhD thesis proposal writing service over a decade.

Instead of treating your research proposal as a final document, think of it as a flexible way to plan a feasible research project that you would like to pursue.

Category : Thesis Proposal
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